Garance Doré Stationary


Garance Dore, one of our favourite bloggers of all time has come out with a line of stationary, and we are totally smitten! Beginning her blogging career in 2006, Dore mentions that this line has always been one of her dreams:

I’ve always, always spent a crazy amount of time in paper stores. I love notebooks, greeting cards, calendars (but you already know that if you’ve been following my blog for awhile!) and I always dreamed of being able to launch my own line one day. Even before I started my blog, this was one of my dreams.

Reflecting her signature illustration style to a tee, the collection features beautiful illustrations in forms of notepads, cards and prints. Finally available at Chapters Indigo, our eyes are glued to the yellow graphic notepad and the card with “Life is so boring with you” above a drawing of a woman with a top-knot, a red lip, and the chicest of black-and-white striped T-shirts. Girl after my own heart!

Waiting for the right opportunity to work on this project, you can see Dore has poured her heart and soul into these designs, and we love her for it. 

Shop the collection at Chapters Indigo and next time you have something sweet to say, say it with these beauties!

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