VIVE Mag Party

Typically most mid-twenty’ers wouldn’t even look at a university publication, let alone buy one. Up until recently, I was one of those people. I figured if I got annoyed reading Cosmo, there is no way I could survive a 19 year old perspective. I was wrong.

After reading VIVE Magazine from cover to cover, I realized that I was not only finished the entire magazine (which I rarely do even with my favourites) but that I actually enjoyed it and learned something from it. Even though I caught myself editing some articles as I read, and rearranging certain images on the page, I can confidently say, that the ladies behind the mag have a fresh and new outlook on fashion and work much harder than alot of us. This definitely showed in their latest party!

Shaun & Tarek of Nella Bella with Hailey from Damn Heels

Charlie’s Gallery recently played host to their Winter edition of VIVE, which Nella Bella helped proudly sponsor. The venue was filled with people at all times and had specialty drinks on the menu which were concocted by the VIVE team – these ladies will one day take over for Lisa Tant and potentially some of Toronto’s finest bartenders – consider yourself warned! I am definitely looking forward to reading the next issue!


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