What’s In My Bag: 1st Edition

What’s In My Bag: 1st Edition

Oh, the female ‘handbag’. I personally feel naked without some kind of bag on me, and I know I’m not alone when I say that I have a large collection of bags, or that I own one to many bags.

I’m not sorry one bit!

While I may know a few women who have however many bags to just throw everything into, (yeah, I’m talking to you Rachel), I personally always like to keep my bag organized no matter how easily out of control it can get. I do that by sticking to the essentials and of course, switching up bags really does help when re-organizing my situation.

  Since I personally love to know what everyone’s got going on in their bag, I’m opening mine up to show you my current bag essentials:

The Bag:

This new teal suede bag from Zara has been on repeat lately. I scored it just a few weeks back and I’m loving the colour and style as I gradually transition my wardrobe from Summer to Fall. Big enough to carry my essentials, and then some, without getting too heavy, this bag has been going everywhere with me from Sunday brunch to meetings through the week!


I have wanted to update my wallet for some time now but just never got around to it. It just so happens that just this weekend my friend surprised me with this gorgeous blush pink wallet as a thoughtful bridesmaid gift. It is also ironic that it is the same style as my last but an even prettier colour. Safe to say she did good and she’s amazing.

I am not a fan of big wallets but I really like to carry everything I need, so this wallet is perfect! The pretty striped print interior is just the icing on the cake!

Boxed Water:

I never used to take drinking water seriously, but over the last year I not only find myself drinking more water, but actually craving it. I make it a point now to always carry water with me so I can always stay hydrated no matter where I’m going. My fave, Boxed Water is so crisp and delicious and conveniently fits in my bag. With summer wrapping up and the beginning of a busy season, it’s a crucial time for me to stay hydrated so I can prevent any future headaches or dizziness. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Maybe it’s the blogger in me that also loves the fact that Boxed Water looks pretty too! That helps, right!? The best part is that Boxed Water not only tastes great without that plastic –like taste but it is environmentally friendly and consciously packaged!



I am a note freak. Honestly. As much as I use my phone for note taking and planning my schedule, there is something about taking notes on a good ol’ fashioned note pad. This Indigo agenda is small enough to fit in my bag but large enough so I can scribble in as many notes to myself as possible. Indigo reminds of me of those days in school when I would write pretty notes and use all my coloured pens to make my calendar look pretty. It may sound strange, but keeping a well-documented agenda not only makes things easier, but it motivates me every time I write in it. What can I say, I’m a sucker for pretty things!


No “What’s In My Bag” is complete without a few beauty products. As much as I would love to take my entire makeup bag with me each day, it is just too heavy and well, no.

My everyday makeup always consists of a lippie, something to moisturize my lips and a little blush to amp things up when things get a little hectic in my day. This cream blusher from Beauty Counter is my go-to when I need a quick dab (cue in dab hand motion) of colour to my cheeks. My new favourite everyday lippie is from MAC in the shade ‘Mehr’ and it doesn’t go on without a little moisturizing help from Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1.

I always like to have a small travel perfume and hand cream with me, and I am currently on Body Shop’s hand cream and making my way through the Derek Lam 10 Crosby fragrances. Currently I’m al about Afloat – the perfect mix of feminine and a splash of musk that wears perfectly for day and night.


I am notorious for forgetting sunglasses, so I make it a point to always have a pair of sunnies with me. These new Ray Bans are my current jam and I love the mirrored detail. I can really pair these sunnies with anything and everything, so no matter where I am going, my eyes are always protected.

I would love to see What’s In Your Bag! Comment below with your essential items or tweet me some pics! Also, don’t forget to pick up your own Boxed Water at Loblaws or Sobeys in Canada and share your Boxed Water on social with #ReTree and the brand will plant two trees!

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